A book of 18 song lyrics by "DashboardMonk"
In the words of the author, “The title, Lyrics in Search of Music, says it all. I’m looking for people interested in adding music to these lyrics. Frequently, tunes would come to me along with the lyrics. If you’re interested, I can send them along; otherwise I leave it to you to add your own music. I wrote the lyrics in this volume over a number of years but I am only now, with the encouragement of friends, publishing them.”
Several of the songs speak of love without attachment. Some of the lyrics clearly fall into certain categories while others can flow into many different genres from country western to folk to pop to rock to rap.
Paperback booklet, 36 pages
This is Volume One.
There are another 20 or so songs that I am in the process of finishing and will be available soon. If you are interested in using any of the lyrics for performance or recording purposes, please let us know. You may contact us at: DashboardMonkMusic@gmail.com
For the past 16 years DashboardMonk has been living a recluse life in a remote part of the Himalayan mountains of North India and has taken that name to maintain his privacy. The name came about when a friend gave him a gift of a plastic Buddha on a spring. The name on the box the Buddha came in - Dashboard Monk.
“It’s not a prison of do’s and don’ts
With invisible walls and bars
It’s the truth you know it’s out there
You can see it in the stars”
Lyrics from the song Millennium’s Child by DashboardMonk
Book Details
Format: Paperback (36 pages)
Publisher: Tadorna Press (October 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0-9915781-5-3
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.3 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 oz.