Bob and His Universe
Bob and His Universe
When I began to write this book about my husband, I didn’t know what was going to come forth. I simply had the desire to capture, if I could, this wonderfully brilliant, generous, outrageous bundle of life with whom I shared 54 years of love and exasperation.
I did not want to write a biography; there are plenty of those about him in professional journals. Just look online for Dr. Robert R. L. Guillard and you’ll find them, replete with affectionate and amusing stories by his students and colleagues. You can also find references to his many scientific papers on phytoplankton ecology.
What I wanted to tell you is what Bob was like in daily life. I have arranged the book in categories and fished out of my memory, from family tales and from what Bob himself related, incidents throughout his life that illustrate the various topics. The process released a virtual flood of entertaining recollections. There had to be a stopping point, but in reality there is no end to this remarkable man’s fascinating story.
In our time together we loved, cried, fought, laughed, argued, but we never got tired of each other … there was always something new. I am still finding it so as I write this book. I dedicate it to Bob with all love and gratitude.
We find ourselves confused
Though we’ve lived through our lives
Aware that all of us
Will someday leave behind
The old used-up body
The mind looks for solace
And the notions begin
About heaven, or not
About another life
And righteousness and sin
Do not ask what I think
But ask me what I feel
And I will tell you this
Love is how I found him
And Love is where he is
Book Details
Format: Hardcover (53 pages)
Publisher: Tadorna Press (February 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1-7343229-0-3
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.5 x 4.75 inches
Shipping Weight: 6 oz.